1. Internship IT System Development – PT Kirana Megantara
• Membantu dalam project pengembangan dan penyempurnakan aplikasi baru maupun yang sudah ada mengikuti perkembangan bisnis perusahaan atau atas dasar permintaan dari management
• Membantu melakukan implementasi dan sosialisasi aplikasi yang sudah dibuat/dikembangkan/disempurnakan bersama departemen terkait dan user
• Membuat kode aplikasi dengan format yang rapi (Clean, Scalable, and Reusable Code)
Requirements :
• Pendidikan D3/S1 dari jurusan Teknik/ Ilmu Komputer, Teknik informatika, Sistem Informasi atau yang relevan dengan IPK minimal 2,85
• Mahasiswa aktif semestes akhir dipersilahkan melamar
• Senang bekerja dibidang pembuatan Sofware Engineer / Web Programmer lebih diutamakan
• Memahami PHP, Javascript, Mobile Programming, Database (SQL Server, My SQL) Memahami SDLC menjali nilai tambah
• Memiliki semangat dan keinginan untuk belajar hal baru
• Bersedia bekerja di daerah Lingkar Mega Kuningan – Jakarta Selatan
2. IT Network Internship – OttoDigital Group
Job Description :
• System development
• Problem solving in program error or database error
• Create or add the module on system
• Maintenance a system to run properly
• Provide work report regarding IT Network System regularly
Requirements :
• Familiarity with web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
• Knowledge web programming language such as PHP
• Knowledge web framework such us CodeIgniter, Laravel
• Knowledge of database concepts and SQL
• Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills
• Strong communication and collaboration abilities
• Ability to work effectively in a team environment
3. IT Operation Intern- PT.Astra Daihatsu Motor
Tentang pekerjaan ini
• Menyediakan bantuan IT kepada staff di kantor dan mengidentifikasi solusi terhadap hardware dan software.
• Follow up kepada user untuk memastikan masalah sudah selesai.
• Menguji dan mengevaluasi teknologi baru.
• Mendeteksi dan memperbaiki kerusakan.
• Memantau dan mengatasi masalah untuk perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak sesuai kebutuhan.
• Memperbarui perangkat lunak komputer, serta meningkatkan perangkat keras dan sistem.
• Menginstal dan mengonfigurasi perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak komputer.
• Memantau Inventaris IT
Minimum Qualifications
• Memiliki perilaku yang baik.
• Memiliki kemampuan untuk menjadi technical support dengan memiliki pengetahuan hardware computer, software, dan networks.
• Memiliki pengetahuan terkait maintenance database dan keamanan sistem.
• Memiliki pengalaman dengan remote desktop applications dan help desk software.
• Memiliki kemampuan dasar VMWare Linux & Windows, basic networking.
• Memiliki kemampuan problem solving dan attention to detail.
• Memiliki kemampuan kemampuan komunikasi dan interpersonal yang baik.
More info :
4. Business Intelligence Intern-tiket.com
📌 Lokasi: Jakarta 📌
Your main duties in flying with us:
• To help on the task delivery of Business Intelligence (report and analysis) and understand the table relations in the Data Warehouse.
• Contribute on task delivery such as performing descriptive analysis, and enhancing dashboard/query for data warehouse
• Get deeper understanding of ideal Business Intelligence Architecture in the OTA industry
Mandatory belongings that you must prepare:
• At least undergraduate student on their last semester
• Willing to do internship for at least 6 months and starting soon
• Have experience as a Business Intelligence/ Data Analyst Intern is good to have
• Familiar with SQL and Data Warehousing
• Familiar with reporting tools (e.g Tableau, PowerBI, etc)
• Familiar with Python is a value-added
• Willing to join hybrid working arrangement, at least two days working in office.
More info :
5. Data Science Intern -tiket.com
Your main duties in flying with us:
• Conduct exploratory data analysis and grab insights from the data
• Involve in model development using machine learning approach
• Involve in API / other model serving mechanism implementation
• Participate actively in scientific paper discussions
• Writing reports and documentations based on discussions and experimentations
Mandatory belongings that you must prepare:
• Having background in math, statistics, and/or computer science
• Having basic knowledge of programming paradigm (structured / object oriented programming)
• Having basic knowledge of machine learning and data analysis
• Having basic knowledge of NLP, Information Retrieval, Recommender System, and/or Deep Learning is a plus point
• Familiar with python and some data science-related libraries in python, i.e., numpy, pandas and scikit learn
• Familiar with SQL
• Willing and able to read and understand scientific paper
• Strong verbal and written communication skills
More info :
6. Backend Engineer Intern-Paper.id
What Will You Do
• Design and develop solutions for web services
• Develop and maintain our frontend web application based on requirements
• Translate created designs and wireframes into high-quality code
• Involvement in several level of development lifecycle
• Work closely together with backend engineer, UI/UX designer and product team
What Are We Looking
• Final years students or fresh-graduates from reputable university majoring in Computer Science, Information Technology, Computer Engineering or any related fields
• Experienced with Golang and javascript
• Familiar with nest. js module, database /datastore experience in MongoDB and PostgreSQL
• Strong verbal and written communication skill
• This is a paid internship program with 6 months period.
More info :
7. Internship Security Analyst-CTI Group
– Final year university student from Information Technology or related fieldResponsibility: – Acquire the basic mastery of techncial role in IT Business industry from monitoring 24/7 SOC operations – - Performing security threat and/or incident analysis, Communicate and advises on mitigation/remediation that customer should perform in 6 + 6 months program
Job Requirement
• Skill: Network, Server Storage, Security, Cloud
More info :
Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to us at:
✉: hrd@computradetech.com